
Our Comprehensive Guide to Return to the Office

When You’re Ready, We’re Ready.

A Letter from our Chairman & CEO

For more than six decades, Hines has demonstrated that what makes buildings successful is their ability to provide a healthy, productive environment in which businesses can achieve their goals.

Achieving “The Great Return”

Practical steps for office owners, operators and corporate occupiers

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A Clean and Conscious Journey


    • Provided comprehensive cleaning and disinfection as needed to maintain building readiness
    • Monitored and maintained each property’s indoor air quality profile
    • Operated all plumbing fixtures to maintain water quality
    • Strategically installed hand sanitizer stations throughout the common areas
    • Installed signage that provides social distancing guidance and/or instructions
    • Continued to maintain Fire Life Safety procedures including planning for fire drills with social distancing measures in place


    • If arriving by public transit, remember to hand sanitize before you reach the building
    • Utilize contactless entry and proximity readers at garage entrances
    • If masks are mandated, please secure your mask before entering the building
    • In some cases, property management will conduct health and temperature screenings
    • Be mindful of social distancing guidelines in common areas, elevators, stairwells and pathways
    • Use hands as little as possible when opening doors
    • Security team members and building personnel will be wearing PPE for added protection
    • Lobby furniture may be removed or reconfigured to support social distancing and limit common area congregation. Some amenities may be temporarily closed or reconfigured.
    • Pay attention to signage for important reminders


    • Utilize hand sanitizer stations
    • Know that elevator call buttons will be sanitized on a frequent basis
    • Follow reduced queuing etiquette and elevator occupancy guidelines
    • Respect your building-specific protocol as noted on signage or directed by building staff
    • Be patient if you experience delays, but know you are supporting better health for all during this period
    • Once you arrive on your floor, use hands as little as possible when opening doors


    • Know that enhanced cleaning protocols have been activated on your floor, including restrooms
    • Continue to wear masks, if mandated
    • Respect social distancing guidelines while navigating your suite with co-workers
    • Utilize video conferencing to limit in-person meetings
    • Adhere to new conference room seating limits and disinfect table and equipment before and after every meeting
    • Respect your suite-specific protocols such as one-way traffic flows
    • Be mindful of congregating in common areas, kitchens and collaborative spaces
    • Limit visitors and guests, if possible
    • Clean your personal workspace with disinfecting wipes frequently


    • Enhanced disinfection standards remain in place
    • Hand-sanitizer stations will be available at strategic touchpoints
    • We maintain stringent air quality standards including increasing fresh outside air and exhaust throughout the building, which improves ventilation
    • Signage and graphics are placed to assist in maintaining physical distance and pedestrian traffic direction
    • Property management will continue to follow established case reporting and communication protocols
    • When open, our conference centers, common areas, amenities and coworking space will operate at reduced capacities or with revised configurations to respect social distancing guidelines
    • As always, we will stay closely partnered with our tenants, guests and vendors


    • Be mindful of your own and others’ wellbeing
    • If you have any symptoms, even mild, stay home
    • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently
    • Clean your immediate work area frequently
    • Wear masks if mandated
    • Be aware of your own and others’ personal space
    • Pay attention to signage and follow procedures
    • Be kind and exercise empathy as we navigate this new normal together
    • Do not shake hands, instead, wave.
    • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. Do not use your hands.
    • Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands


Hines Resources

Public Health Resources

Partner Resources

Supporting Social Distancing & Mindful Behavior

New graphics to encourage a conscious journey

Entry Door Signage
Security with Mask
Elevator signage
Restroom with signage

Doing Our Part