Hines European Property Partners - HEPP

Hines European Property Partners (HEPP)

Disciplined, research-driven European property portfolio seeking strong returns in all business cycles through expert active management and operation

Hines European Property Partners - Three key reasons to invest

Proven Disciplined Strategy

We create a research-driven, diversified portfolio focusing on the logistics, residential, alternatives, and office sectors in major (supply constrained) European markets.

Local Expertise

Our local to global integrated experts gather proprietary data which helps identify those assets in local markets most likely to grow through modernizing, repositioning, and densifying.

Vertically Integrated Value Creation

Our vertically integrated platform helps identify opportunities where price, financing, construction, and operations can be improved using in-house expertise.

Georgstor in Hamburg, Germany
Caption Georgstor in Hamburg, Germany

The Hines ESG Commitment

Hines European Property Partners - Key Data

With nearly 700 professionals deployed across 17 European locations, HEPP currently owns and manages multifamily, industrial, office, alternative, and retail properties in top-performing submarkets such as London, Brussels, Munich, Milan, and Madrid. Please see additional portfolio data below:

Property Gross Asset Value by Sector and Country as of June 2022